Dry, chapped, and unhealthy lips aren't sexy. It's truly a hassle having flaky lips. I should know this since I, myself, owns one. I've already tried a lot of cures but it just keeps coming back like there are days that my lips are okay and some days are just horrible. Anxious to find easy solutions, after searching the net, look what i've found? Some easy cures for chapped lips. Read along:
- For as long as your lips are dry, cracked, and painful, abstain from eating hot, spicy, and salty foods.
- If the weather is dry, windy, or very cold, make sure to use natural moisturizers to counter the unfriendly weather.
- Never lick your lips as this can even worsen the case.
- Drink a lot of water. A dehydrated body can easily cause the lips to dry-out.
- Avoid liquids that can dehydrate you like alcohol and other beverage that contains caffeine.
- Don't use any lip gel, balm, or lipstick that contains alcohol ingredients-these for sure can further make your chapped lips dryer. A good rule is to put on your lips only edible ingredients (this rule also works well for any other body care products, because the skin rapidly absorbs all contents of lotions and creams, both good and bad ). In other words, if you cannot eat it - do not put it either on your lips or on your skin!
- Keep your lips moisturized. You can use an oil-based lubricating cream, such as Aquaphor Healing Ointment, or lip balm containing petrolatum or beeswax.
Well, i'll try doing these recommended tips so I can kiss my chapped lips goodbye....