Thursday, May 8, 2008

Love your Feet

Among the body parts, it is the feet that bears most of the abuses from your day to day activities. Why? Obviously, they are the ones that carries and brings you wherever you want to go, exposing them to varying harsh environments. Since your weight is supported by your feet, just imagine the strain they endure. With this, foot problems are just inevitable. Many problems of the foot are painful but mostly are treatable.

Here are some simple ways to make your feet happy:

  • Examine your feet daily for dryness, breaks in the skin, calluses, etc. Do this in a good light and, if your eyesight is poor, have someone do it for you.
  • Use a lanolin moisturizing cream for dry and cracked skin. If your feet perspire, dust lightly with talcum powder. Remove excess cream or powder from between your toes to avoid skin breakdown.
  • Wear shoes and socks that fit your feet and are comfortable and change your socks daily.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Wash your feet every day. Always test the water temperature with your wrist or elbow to avoid burning your feet, particularly if your circulation is poor. Pat - don't rub - your feet dry and be sure to dry between and under the toes.
  • Soaking your feet is soothing and beneficial, but never soak for more than ten minutes to avoid dry skin.
  • Cut or file your nails straight across and never shorter than the end of your toe. Use nail clippers, scissors, a rounded, diamond-chip nail file or an emery board.
With these enumerated ways, you can prevent possible foot problems as well as you can keep them always healthy.